Product Documentation

Changing the password of the Payara Application Server's admin user on the appliance is a simple process which can be performed at any time without impacting production applications. StrongKey typically supplies a default password—adminadmin—for this user with instructions to change it immediately. The process to change the password follows:

  1. Login to the appliance as the Linux strongauth user, either on the console or through SSH over the network. The SSH port should be open by default.

  2. If logged in on the console of the appliance and in GUI mode, open up a terminal.

  3. Change the admin password using the following command:

    asadmin change-admin-password
  4. It will prompt for the old password once, and if correct, it will prompt twice for the new password.

  5. This completes the process of changing the password for the Payara admin user.

Repeat these steps on all other SAKA servers to change the Payara admin passwords. A sample output of the command processing is shown here:

shell> asadmin change-admin-password
Please enter the old admin password>
Please enter the new admin password>
Please enter the new admin password again>
Command change-admin-password executed successfully.