Now, prepare the DRB node with necessary software stack installation.
shell> init 6
shell> cd /usr/local/software
shell> tar zxvf SAKA-4.X.X-dist.tgz
shell> cd /usr/local/software/saka
NOTE: Add FQDNs of all servers in the PROD cluster in the same order as defined in servers table, plus the FQDN of new server at the end with additional server ID. This new server ID would be the next sequence in the Server Table. Assuming there are four PROD Nodes with Server1, Server2, Server3 and Server4, a new entry needs to be added as “SERVER5=<hostname> |
shell> ./
shell> scp <domain-name>:/usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/strongkeylite-newserver.db /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps
shell> scp <domain-name>:/usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/conf-<DATE>.ldif /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps
shell> scp <domain-name>:/usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/databackup-<DATE>.ldif /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps
shell> scp -r <domain-name>:/usr/local/strongauth/skfs/keystores/*/usr/local/strongauth/skfs/keystores
shell> scp -r <domain-name>:/usr/local/strongauth/skce/keystores/*/usr/local/strongauth/skce/keystore
shell> mysql -u skles -p strongkeylite
mysql> source /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/strongkeylite-newserver.db
When the dump has finished sourcing, log out of mysql.mysql> insert into server_domains values (SID, DID, 'STARTING_PSEUDONUMBER','Active',null,null);
SID must be the numeric value of the new SID to be added to the cluster.mysql> select * from domains\G
STARTING_PSEUDONUMBER is the first token to be used by the new server. This value can be any number that is the same length as the appliance configured token length (default 16 digits). This value can be reused between multiple domains. A value of '5000000000000001' is the suggested format for SID 5.mysql> insert into server_domains values (5,1, '5000000000000001','Active',null,null);
mysql> insert into server_domains values (5,2, '5000000000000001','Active',null,null);
If using payara6, use the following command: shell> sudo systemctl restart payara If using payara5, use the following command: shell> sudo service glassfishd restart
shell> aslg
shell> cd /usr/local/strongauth/<payara-version>/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs
shell> tail -f server.log
shell> cd ~/bin
shell> ./
NOTE: The step after submitting all KeyCustodians will be to create a MASK file. Please store this mask file on USB. |
shell> sudo systemctl restart payara OR shell> sudo service glassfishd restart