If the appliance has gone through SAKA distribution upgrade, it is possible that the upgrade script kept the backup of older versions of the distributions under /usr/local/strongauth directory. If there are no issues observed after last upgrade, you may delete all the older versions of the software stacks (lib-b<old-version>, mariadb-<old-version>, payara<old-version>, topaz-b<old-version>).
Server logs files can utilize lot of disk space if they are not moved out of the server. Please either archive the older server.log files and move it out of SAKA appliance to a secured network drive for future reference or delete server.log files older than the time limit specified in company policy at your site.
NOTE: Server logs files can be found on the appliance under /usr/local/strongauth/payara<latest-version>/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs directory. You may also navigate to logs directory by running aslg alias command.