Product Documentation

Changing the password to a KC keystore may be necessary when changing ownership of the keystore, as part of a company's security policy, or just as a good practice. The KCSP provides the ability to change the password of any KC keystore though the Change Password panel.

To change the password on a KC keystore, follow this process:

  1. Insert the KC's SAKA USB flash drive into the computer.

  2. Select File → Change Password from menu. The following dialog displays:

  3. Browse to and select the keystore to populate the Keystore Location field.

  4. Enter the Current Password for this keystore. Click the Verify button to confirm the password.

  5. If the password is confirmed successfully, the two bottom fields will become usable. Enter the desired New Password and again in the New Password Again field. Once finished, press the Enter key within the New Password Again field and the tool will confirm whether both passwords match. If successful, the Save button will be enabled.

  6. Click the Save button to apply the new password to the keystore.