Product Documentation
  1. Log into the appliance as strongauth user.
  2. Start a shell window.
  3. Tail server logs to confirm that the appliance is not receiving any request.
    shell> tsl If the appliance is receiving web-service requests from client application, modify load balancer to switch traffic to other node in the cluster and wait until all requests are processed.

  4. Stop Glassfish/Payara.
    shell> sudo service glassfishd stop
  5. Export encryption_requests table to copy over updated data.
    shell> mysqldump -u skles -p`dbpass 2> /dev/null` strongkeylite encryption_requests > /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/enc_req-EOL-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).db
  6. Copy over the exported DB file to New SAKA under /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps directory.
  7. Log out of SAKA.