Product Documentation

In the fourth step of the process, which occurs on the New StrongKey Tellaro node, the process completes the key-migration process for the domain keys migrated in the previous step.

  1. Login as 'strongauth' into the StrongKey Tellaro
  2. Startup 2 shell windows
  3. In Window2, go the /usr/local/strongauth/<payara-version>/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs directory
    shell> aslg
    shell> cd /usr/local/strongauth/<payara-version>/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs
  4. In Window2, run the tail -f command on the server.log file
    shell> tail -f server.log
  5. In Window1, execute the
  6. Using KeyCustodian flash-drives, set the PINs for the required minimum number of Key Custodians to authorize access to the TPM.

    Select a domain to migrate the key to and use the Domain Administrator's Credentials to authorize the migration of the Encryption Domain Key.

    Using the MigKey file generated in Step #3, import the Migration Key Blob.

    Repeat these steps for each domain key to be imported.
  7. In Window 1, restart the Payara application server
    If using payara6, use the following command:
    shell> sudo systemctl restart payara
    If using payara5, use the following command:
    shell> sudo service glassfishd restart
  8. In Window1, execute the
  9. Using the KeyCustodian flash-drives, set the PINs for the required minimum number of Key Custodians to activate the cryptographic hardware module on the appliance, ensuring there are no errors in Window1 or Window2
  10. Now that the Encryption Domain Keys have been imported, the node is ready to accept cryptographic requests. In order for Ping requests to function properly, a first dummy record must be encrypted on this node for each domain.

    In Window1, change directory to the /usr/local/strongauth/topaz directory:
    shell> cd ~/topaz
  11. In Window1, execute the sakaclient.jar client application as follows for every domain-id (DID). This command will encrypt one credit-card number (with a dummy number of 1111222233334444) and then attempt to decrypt the returned value immediately:
    shell> java -jar /usr/local/strongauth/topaz/sakaclient.jar https://<FQDN>:8181 <domain-id> <username> <password> B 33334444 1
    Ensure the token returned is the first token for SID of the new server.
  12. In Window1, verify Ping requests work for every domain-id (DID):
    shell> <did>
  13. Restore the LDAP users as root.
  14. Open a new terminal and login as "root"
  15. Stop the LDAP server and make copies of the following directories:
    shell> systemctl stop slapd
    #Make copies of existing config files
    shell> cp -r /etc/openldap/slapd.d /etc/openldap/slapd.0
    shell> cp -r /var/lib/ldap /var/lib/ldap.0
  16. Remove the contents of /etc/openldap/slapd.d and /var/lib/ldap:
    shell> rm -r /etc/openldap/slapd.d/*
    shell> rm -r /var/lib/ldap/*
  17. Restore the configuration.ldif first:
    shell> slapadd -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d -n 0 -l /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/config-<date>.ldif
  18. Change the ownership and restart slapd:
    shell> chown -R ldap:ldap /etc/openldap/slapd.d
    shell> chown -R ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap
    shell> systemctl restart slapd
  19. Add the database.ldif to the directory and restart slapd
    shell> slapadd -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d -n 2 -l /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/databackup-<date>.ldif
    shell> systemctl restart slapd
  20. Log out as root
  21. In Window1 as "strongauth" user, verify Authentication requests work for every domain using the user registered in Step #1.
    shell> java -jar /usr/local/strongauth/topaz/skfsclient.jar A <hostport> <did> <wsprotocol> <authtype> [ <accesskey> <secretkey> | <svcusername> <svcpassword> ] <username> <origin> <authcounter> <crossorigin>
  22. This concludes the installation and configuration of Data Recovery StrongKey Tellaro node. Now, this new node should be shutdown and stored at a safe location accessible only with certain privileges.