When administering a hardware security module (HSM) within StrongKey Tellaro appliances, the HSM supports authenticating Administrators in multiple ways:
shell> startx
shell> mkdir /usr/local/strongauth/keystores
shell> java -jar /usr/local/bin/cat.jar &
NOTE: This password should be recorded on a 3x5 index card, sealed in a security envelope and locked away for security and disaster recovery purposes.
NOTE: If the CXIKEY.db and the user.db files already exist in the target directory (presumably, from a previous backup), there will be a warning prompt to overwrite a preexisting file by the same name. Cancel the operation and rename the preexisting files to preserve the prior backup (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED).
shell> mkdir /usr/local/strongauth/keystores
shell> java -jar /usr/local/bin/cat.jar &