Product Documentation
  1. Log into the appliance as strongauth user.
  2. Start a shell window.
  3. Log into strongkeylite DB as skles user.
    shell> mysql -u skles -p strongkeylite
  4. Import DB that was copied over from EOL SAKA.
    mysql> source /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/strongkeylite-EOL-<DATE>.db
  5. Exit out of Mysql.
  6. Change directory to /usr/local/strongauth/bin.
    shell> cd ~/bin
  7. Execute
    shell> ./ Follow the wizard steps to completion, ensuring there are no errors. If there are any errors, determine the cause of the error, log out of the session, log back in as root and execute the script to clean out the installation. Fix the cause of the error and start the installation process from step-1.

  8. Restart Glassfish/Payara.
    shell> sudo service glassfishd restart
  9. Set KC-PINs.
  10. Log out of SAKA.