Product Documentation

In order to consume the Relay webservice, you must have a client program that can consume the service. The client may be a custom-developed tool, a third-party testing tool (such as SOAPUI) or the sample Java client programs supplied by StrongAuth within the module.


The sample Java clients provided by StrongAuth have two primary files – and These are within a sub-directory of a Netbeans project delivered within the module. You must modify some values in the code and rebuild it to use the sample client programs.


Specifically, change the following:

  1. The URL of the hostport variable to point to your own SKLES appliance;
  2. The encryption domain identifier (did) of the domain which you are targeting on the appliance;
  3. The username you will use to authenticate the requester to the appliance. This credential must have the Decrypt privilege on the SKLES appliance for the relay request to work;
  4. The relayurl of the payment gateway. This URL must match – partially or completely – one of the authorized URLs configured for use by the SKLES appliance (as discussed in the previous section);
  5. Various element values in the XML relaycontent that pertain to the payment gateway and transaction you want to send to the gateway.

When you've modified the appropriate client program and rebuilt it – or have built your own program (or used SOAPUI) – you can run it to consume the service on your appliance.


If everything is configured correctly, you should see a response from your payment gateway within the client program. If there are errors, the appliance will throw an exception that will provide a hint toward the problem that needs to be addressed. If the hint is not specific or clear enough, review the server.log file in the /usr/local/strongauth/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs directory of your appliance to get more detail.


If building with Netbeans, it will be relatively easy since the StrongAuth samples are distributed as a Netbeans project. All you have to do is open the project and correct any path-related changes for your Development machine. If using another IDE, you must import the project into your IDE and point to various artifacts appropriately.

  • The Java sources are in the relayclient/src directory;
  • Necessary libraries for build and execution are in /usr/local/strongauth/lib

If you are writing your own client program from the WSDL, you can find a copy of the WSDL and the supporting XSD in the wsdl directory of the extracted content from the ZIP file. If you plan on pulling down the WSDL from the (DEMO2) machine (at the URL specified in this document), make sure you import the self-signed digital certificate of the DEMO2 machine into your IDE and the JVM's cacerts file before connecting to DEMO2. This process is described in the SKLES Reference documentation in Chapter 3.