Product Documentation

Step 1: On an Existing Production Server in the Cluster

  1. Login as root.
  2. Stop all services.
    shell> systemctl stop glassfishd
    shell> systemctl stop mysqld
    shell> systemctl stop openldap
  3. Create a folder in which to store all of the backup files.
    shell> mkdir /usr/local/backups
  4. Make a backup of /etc/hosts.
    shell> cp /etc/hosts /usr/local/backups
  5. Make a backup of all ifcfg network configuration files, except for ifcfg-lo.
    shell> cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* /usr/local/backups
  6. If using firewalld, make a backup of the firewall configuration.
    shell> cp -r /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml /usr/local/backups
  7. Make a backup of the firewall rules.
    shell> firewall-cmd --list-all >> firewallrules
  8. Make a backup of bashrc as well as all of the rc files it references at the bottom of the file, such as sakarc.
    shell> cp /etc/bashrc /usr/local/backups
    shell> cat /etc/bashrc
    shell> cp /etc/sakarc /usr/local/backups
  9. Make a backup of the ssh config files.
    shell> cp /etc/ssh/ssh_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config /usr/local/backups
  10. Make a backup of the service daemons.
    shell> cp /etc/init.d/glassfishd /etc/init.d/mysqld /usr/local/backups

    If using opendj, make a backup of opendjd.

    shell> cp -r /etc/init.d/opendjd /usr/local/backups
    If using openldap, make a backup of slapd.
    shell> cp -r /etc/systemd/system/ /usr/local/backups
  11. Make a backup of my.cnf.
    shell> cp /etc/my.cnf /usr/local/backups
  12. Make a backup of ldap configuration and database.
    shell> slapcat -n 0 -l /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/slapdbackup-<DATE>.conf

    shell> slapcat -n 2 -l /usr/local/strongauth/dbdumps/databackup-<DATE>.ldif
  13. Make a backup of the strongauth folder in a zip file.
    shell> zip -r /usr/local/backups/ /usr/local/strongauth 
  14. Make a backup of the saka folder in /usr/local/software in a zip file.
    shell> zip -r /usr/local/backups/ /usr/local/software/saka
  15. Put the entire /usr/local/backups folder onto an external storage device (USB) to hold it.
  16. Use kickstart to install Rocky 9.2 on the machine.