The process to install the software is as follows:
- On the Windows PC, check if you have a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed that meets the SKLES requirements; if not, download and install the JDK from (the link will take you to, but you should be able to get to the right page that has the Java SE);

- If you already have a JDK – not the JRE - installed, verify that the installed version meets the SKLES requirements by checking for the version number of the Java executable; if not, you must download and install a supported version of the JDK. Windows will allow you to install multiple versions of the JDK, and allow them to coexist on the PC – you just need to know which version you're using by default.
- Check the Java version by opening up a Command Prompt window, and typing the following command in it. If Java is in the Path, it will display the version number;

- If you do not have Java in your Path, you will see the following:

- If you have another version of the JDK installed on your PC, update your Path system environment variable to put the JDK's bin directory in the path. The Path environment variable can be found (on Windows7) by opening the System icon in the Control Panel.
- Select Advanced system settings

- Select the Environment Variables button

- Find the Path variable and select the Edit button

- Add the JDK's bin directory the Path variable ahead of every other directory in the path.

- Click OK to accept the change;
- Close all Control Panel-related sub-windows and open up a new Command Prompt window and check the Java version again. A new Command Prompt window is necessary since the changes in system variables go into effect only with new Command Prompt windows.
- Download the self-signed SSL certificates of the appliances following the instructions in the reference documentation here.
- Save the SSL certificate on your Desktop or another location of your preference;
- Following the instructions here, and using the Command Prompt, navigate to the jre\lib\security folder of the installed JDK on your PC, and import the SSL certificate(s) of your appliances. You must import the SSL certificate of each of your appliances to communicate successfully with it:

- Create the following directories using Windows Explorer or the Command Prompt:
Program Files\StrongAuth
Program Files\StrongAuth\SKLES
- If you plan to use DACTool on your PC, also create the following directories in the C:\ drive. These directories are necessary for DACTool to function properly:
- Using the USB flash-drive containing the “ windows” folder in it, copy the contents of the “windows” folder, recursively, into the Program Files\StrongAuth\SKLES directory;

- Start the KC-SetPINTool batch file; you should see the following:

- Configure and use the KCSPTool following the instructions in the Key Custodian SetPIN Tool document;
- If you need to use DACTool, start it using the batch file in the same directory:

- Configure and use DACTool following the instructions in the Domain Administration Console Tool document;
- This concludes the installation of the KCSPTool and the DACTool executables on the PC. If you have any questions or problems, please contact StrongAuth Support at the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..