Product Documentation

Before a BDK or LTMK can be stored on SAKA, its Key Components must first be loaded. Check the Loading Key Components section for instructions on loading a Key Component.

  1. After the Key Components have been loaded, select Store ANSI X9241 Key mode.

  2. Select the Key Algorithm and Key Type for this key. In the following example, we will be loading a Triple DES (TDES) LTMK.

  3. Provide the name of the key used when loading the components, the KCV for the key that is to be stored, a Bank ID to associate with this key, and the necessary SAKA information (DID, Username, Password). The user must have KMC privilege and Encryption privilege in order to authenticate to this web service.

  4. Optionally, supply a Terminal ID to associate with this key, a Terminal Type to associate with this key, and any Notes you want to associate with this key.

  5. When all required fields have been filled, the Submit button becomes enabled.

  6. Click Submit. If successful, a message appears: “Successfully stored ANSI X9241 Key.”

  7. Record the token returned in the output. SAKA uses this value to identify this LTMK. If you do not record the value now, you will have to store the LTMK all over again to use it for later operations.