To test decryption, call sakagclient with the D option and use the ciphertext from the encryption transaction (from the transaction similar to those shown in Encryption [CBC Mode] —it is sure to be different from the ciphertext shown in this document) and the token from the encryption test as parameters. Make sure to copy the ciphertext exactly at it shows in the output of the encryption command.
java -cp sakagclient.jar GCMMain 1 all Abcd1234! D vQm9+o6Ofjv4kNuHH7KfJsExIcH0z3BvI1YJO6PpFIlc9nxNgESBJjJLg3MlCBgLGU8Wlq/prCKROeYa0oWRm1tZS56ObUYMEE/XdR2ia4WsNQ== 1000000000101319
A result displays similar to the following:
In this manner, the sakagclient can be used to test various web services of the SAKA KAM.
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