Code |
FIDO-ERR-0003 |
Message |
Error during preregister\: {0} |
Explanation |
Indicates a generic error during preregister followed by the actual error message. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0004 |
Message |
Input registrationresponse cannot be null or empty\: {0} |
Explanation |
Occurs when the registration response sent to the server is empty. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0006 |
Message |
User session in-active\: {0} |
Explanation |
The user waited too long to click on the security key; the session timed out on the server side. In this case, session info is removed from the hash map. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0014 |
Message |
JSON parsing exception\: {0} |
Explanation |
Generic exception printed if the input JSON is invalid. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0016 |
Message |
Registration metadata cannot be null\: {0} |
Explanation |
StrongKey FIDO Server requires the applications to provide some extra metadata related to user and location information during the registration operation. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0033 |
Message |
Authorization failed: Invalid service credentials |
Explanation |
The service credentials provided by the application are invalid. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0037 |
Message |
Invalid username in the FIDO metadata. |
Explanation |
The username sent in the metadata and the user for which the response is created do not match. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0041 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "svcinfo" in request body. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "svcinfo" value in the request body. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0042 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "did" in request svcinfo. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "did" value in the request svcinfo. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0043 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "protocol" in request svcinfo. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "protocol" value in the request svcinfo. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0044 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "authtype" in request svcinfo. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "authtype" value in the request svcinfo. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0045 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "svcusername" in request svcinfo. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "svcusername" value in the request svcinfo. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0046 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "svcpassword" in request svcinfo. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "svcpassword" value in the request svcinfo. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0047 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "payload" in request body. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "payload" value in the request body. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0048 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "username" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "username" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0052 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "strongkeyMetadata" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "strongkeyMetadata" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0053 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "publicKeyCredential" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "publicKeyCredential" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0054 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "version" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "version" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0055 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "create_location" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "create_location" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0057 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "origin" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "origin" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0058 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "id" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "id" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0059 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "rawId" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "rawId" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0060 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "response" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "response" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0061 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "type" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "type" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0062 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "attestationObject" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "attestationObject" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0063 |
Message |
Invalid or missing "clientDataJSON" in request payload. |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid or missing "clientDataJSON" value in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0075 |
Message |
Invalid "did" in request payload \: {0} |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid domain Id in the request payload. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0076 |
Message |
Invalid "protocol" in request payload |
Explanation |
This error code is returned if the request has an invalid protocol in the request payload |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-0099 |
Message |
Error adding FIDO keys during registration\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned when an error occurs during FIDO Credential registration. This will be accompanied by another error. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-5002 |
Message |
Unsupported FIDO protocol version \: |
Explanation |
The application sent a FIDO protocol whose version is not supported. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-5018 |
Message |
No policy found for the domain |
Explanation |
Generic error when a policy is not configured for a domain. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-5022 |
Message |
Registration signature verification failed\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned during the register web service when the browser data does not match the authenticator data. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6004 |
Message |
Policy violation: Invalid value for userVerification\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy user verification values does not contain the userVerification value. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6007 |
Message |
Policy violation: Invalid value for attestation\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy attestation options does not contain the attestation option in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6009 |
Message |
Policy violation: Invalid value for AttestationConveyancePreference\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy attestation conveyance does not contain the attestationConveyancePreference in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6011 |
Message |
Policy violation: Invalid/Rejected aaguid\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy allowedAaguids does not contain the AAGUID in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6012 |
Message |
Policy violation: Extension required by policy |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy requires extentions but it is not in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6013 |
Message |
Policy violation: UVM Extension required by policy |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy requires the UVM extension and it is not in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6100 |
Message |
Registration response Json improperly formatted |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the registration JSON response cannot be properly cast to a JSON object. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6101 |
Message |
Null or empty {0} in registration response |
Explanation |
This is a general error for a null, empty, or missing value in the registration response. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6102 |
Message |
base64 decode failed for {0} in registration response |
Explanation |
This error is returned when a Base64 value in the registration response cannot be Base64 decoded. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6103 |
Message |
Invalid value for {0} in registration response |
Explanation |
This is a general error for a value not existing within a list of accepted values. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6104 |
Message |
NULL 'response' received in registration |
Explanation |
This error is returned when the response object is not found in a JSON object. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6105 |
Message |
Registration Metadata Json improperly formatted |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the registration metadata cannot be parsed as a JSON object. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6106 |
Message |
Invalid attestation object\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the attestation object cannot be decoded properly. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6200 |
Message |
Web origin in client doesn't start with 'https' |
Explanation |
This error is returned when the web origin in the client does not start with 'https'. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6201 |
Message |
Web origin in client doesn't match strongkeyMetadata origin\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned when the origin found in the client does not match the strongkeyMetadata origin found in the request. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6202 |
Message |
Error parsing the web origin and/or strongkeyMetadata origin\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the client origin and/or strongkeyMetadata origin are not valid URI. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6203 |
Message |
Web origin in client data does not match rpid in policy |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the client origin does not match the RPID specified in the FIDO Policy. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6204 |
Message |
RPID Hash invalid: doesn't match the policy\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the RPID hash does not match the RPID hash in the FIDO Policy. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6300 |
Message |
Failure to parse X509Certificate\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the x5c returns a null X.509 certificate when being parsed. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6301 |
Message |
Unknown key algorithm for Attestation |
Explanation |
This value is returned when the key algorithm does not match the accepted values: RSA, EC |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6302 |
Message |
EC Curve not supported by policy (Attestation) |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy allowed EC curves does not contain the EC curve of the attestation key. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6303 |
Message |
Unknown attestation key algorithm (Signing) |
Explanation |
This value is returned when the signing algorithm does not match the accepted values: RSA, EC< |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-6304 |
Message |
Policy Violation: EC Curve not supported by policy (Signing) |
Explanation |
This error is returned if the FIDO Policy allowed signing EC curves does not contain the EC curve of the signing key. |
Code |
Message |
NULL argument\: {0} |
Explanation |
Generic error for a null argument. Followed by the parameter name. |
Code |
Message |
Invalid argument\: {0} |
Explanation |
Generic error for an invalid argument. Followed by the parameter name. |
Code |
Message |
Missing argument\: |
Explanation |
Generic error for a missing/empty argument. Followed by the parameter name. |
Code |
Message |
Username and Key Handle combination exists. |
Explanation |
The keyhandle returned in the authentication response does not exist for the user. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-1501 |
Message |
SKFS Domain does not exist {0} |
Explanation |
Generic message if the domain does not exist. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-1502 |
Message |
SKFS Domain inactive |
Explanation |
Generic message if the domain is not active. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-9012 |
Message |
Android Digital Asset Links not enabled for domain\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned when Digital Asset Links (DAL) is not enabled but the client origin starts with 'android'. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-9013 |
Message |
Invalid Android origin\: {0} |
Explanation |
This error is returned when the android client origin is not properly formatted. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-9014 |
Message |
Digital Asset Links is enabled but all property values are not specified |
Explanation |
This error is returned if Digital Asset Links (DAL) is enabled but its value is not in the DAL map. This may mean a DAL property value may not have been specified. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-9015 |
Message |
Digital Asset Links is enabled but no fingerprints specified |
Explanation |
This error is returned if Digital Asset Links (DAL) is enabled but no allowedAndroidFingerPrints have been specified. |
Code |
FIDO-ERR-9016 |
Message |
Client Android origin doesn't match any of the allowed sha256_cert_fingerprints |
Explanation |
This error is returned if no android certificate matches the list of allowedAndroidFingerPrints specified for Digital Asset Links (DAL) in this domain. |