Product Documentation

Importing Digital Certificates into a browser 

This has been tested on Sonoma v14.0 with the following browsers. For MacOS, certificates can be added to your keychain for quick access to secure websites and other resources.

Follow the process below to upload certificates to your keychain, which can then be accessed by the browsers:


Tested with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera:

  1. Open Keychain Access from Finder, Applications, Utilities

  2. Select login and go to "My Certificates"
  3. Select File and Select "Import Items"

  4. Find the location of the certificate files and click open
  5. Use 12345678 as the password and click OK. When successfully imported, the digital certificates must be visible under "My Certificates"

  6. Once you import the certificate, there will be a message which says "StrongKey TLS ClientAuth RootCA" certificate is not trusted. These certificates needs to be trusted for you to test. Therefore, right click on the certificate and click on "Get Info". This will display the entire certificate.
  7. Expand the "Trust" bar and select the "Always Trust" for "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)" and "X.509 Basic Policy"

  8. You can now test any of TLS ClientAuth enabled web application on any of the browser on MacOS.