java -jar skfsadminclient.jar UU <hostport> <did> <wsprotocol> <authtype> <svcusername> <svcpassword> <oldusername> <newusername>
Value |
Explanation |
hostport |
Host and port to access theĀ FIDO server |
did |
Unique domain identifier that belongs to SKCE |
wsprotocol |
Web service protocol; REST | SOAP |
authtype |
Authentication type; PASSWORD |
svcusername |
Username used for PASSWORD-based authorization |
svcpassword |
Password used for PASSWORD-based authorization |
oldusername |
The current username of the user to be changed |
newusername |
The new username that will be assigned to the specified user |
$ example:~/skfsclient> java -jar skfsadminclient.jar UU 1 REST PASSWORD fidoadminuser Abcd1234! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Copyright (c) 2001-2024 StrongAuth, Inc. All rights reserved.
REST Update Username with PASSWORD
{"svcinfo":{"did":1,"protocol":"FIDO2_0","authtype":"PASSWORD","svcusername":"fidoadminuser","svcpassword":"Abcd1234!"},"payload":{"oldusername":"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","newusername":"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","modify_location":"Cupertino"}}
Calling update @
Response : {"Response":"Successfully updated username","responseCode":"FIDO-MSG-0077","skfsVersion":"4.14.0","skfsFQDN":"","TXID":"1-1-75-1731008314250"}
Update Username complete.
Done with Update Username!