Product Documentation

Manufacture issues for testing. 

Following are several methods to simulate failures of a node within the cluster for verification purposes:

  • Remove the Ethernet cable from one of the SKFS nodes

  • Shut down the Payara Application Server on one of the FIDO2 server nodes

  • Close port 8181 by disabling the firewall rule that accepts connections on SKFS

  • Modify the configuration of HAProxy on the load balancer to remove one FIDO2 server

NOTE: Because of the complexity of the FIDO2 protocols as well as its implementation in SKFS, some in-flight FIDO2 registrations and/or authentications may see failures due to the simulated outage (as might occur in a real-world environment). Application architects should consider how they might choose to address these failures within their web applications—the PoC was designed to demonstrate simple FIDO2 transactions and not a specific application.

StrongKey definitely appreciates feedback on how it might improve the FIDO2 server to better serve this community's needs. Please share your ideas on the forum on SourceForge.