For backup and restore purposes, you can get the database/table dump and save it to a offline location. These backups can be useful to restore data that may be lost due to unforeseen circumstances.
shell> mariadb-dump -u -p -w --lock-all-tables --insert-ignore --no-create-info (optional table name) > <outputfilename>
EXAMPLE 1 (backup for the entire database)
shell> mariadb-dump -u root -p -w “sid=2” --lock-all-tables --insert-ignore --no-create-info skfs > skfsdata_backup.db
EXAMPLE 2 (backup for a specific table)
shell> mariadb-dump -u root -p -w “sid=2” --lock-all-tables --insert-ignore --no-create-info skfs fido_keys > fidokeys_backup.db
EXAMPLE 3 (backup for more than one table)
If you want to generate the back up for more than one table, you must separate the names of the tables with space.
shell> mariadb-dump -u root -p -w “sid=2” --lock-all-tables --insert-ignore --no-create-info skfs fido_keys fido_policies > fidokeys_policies_backup.db
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