Product Documentation
  1. Log into the appliance as strongkey user.
  2. Start a shell window.
  3. Log into skfs DB as skfsdbuser user.
    shell> mariadb -u skfsdbuser -p skfs
  4. Import DB that was copied over from the old SKFS.
    mysql> source /usr/local/strongkey/dbdumps/skfsdbdump-replacement-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).db
  5. Exit out of Mysql.
  6. Using a text editor, edit the configuration properties of the SKFS node; if the specified file is empty add these properties:
    shell> vi /usr/local/strongkey/appliance/etc/<ID> (set value to serverID to the same as the old Node) (should be set to true)
  7. If any custom configurations have been added to the old skfs, copy over configuration files from old Node to New Node under same directory:
  8. All SKFS instances should use the same JWT and SAML keystores. Therefore, copy the JWT and SAML keys from the old server to replace the keys on this server. These keys can be found in the /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores directory:
    shell>scp -r <oldserver.domain-name>:/usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores /usr/local/strongkey/skfs
  9. Restart payara
    shell> sudo systemctl restart payara
  10. Test functionality using the ping web service or the sample skfsadminclient tool:
    shell> java -jar skfsclient/skfsadminclient.jar P https://<newserver.domain-name>:8181 1 REST PASSWORD fidoadminuser Abcd1234!
  11. Log out of SKFS.