Product Documentation


  • Netbeans IDE (Tested with v21)
  • JDK 21

  • Node.js v16.9.1

  • NPM v8.19.3

Build Instructions 

  1. Download the source for FIDO Policy Backend Application 
  2. Extract the tgz file and open the server project in Netbeans
  3. In case the FIDO2JWTVerify dependency is missing, simply right click on the dependency in Netbeans and choose to manually install the artifact. Another option is to add the dependency jar to your local maven repository. Find more information on how to do this here.

  4. To build the backend click Clean and Build in Netbeans. If using maven to build, type the following command in the root directory of the project in your terminal.

    mvn clean install

To build the FIDO Policy frontend application follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure the required Node and NPM versions are installed. Switch Node versions for the desired platforms easily by using the Node Version Manager tool macOS/Linux or Windows.

  2. Download the source for FIDO Policy Frontend
  3. Extract the tgz file and change directory to the project folder.
    cd angular/dist/demo6/​
  4. Run the following command to install the dependencies
    npm install​
  5. Build the project by running the following command
    npm run build​
  6. The built project will be located in the dist folder.