java -jar skfsadminclient.jar GC <hostport> <did> <wsprotocol> <authtype> <svcusername> <svcpassword>
Value |
Explanation |
hostport |
Host and port to access the FIDO server |
did |
Unique domain identifier that belongs to SKCE |
wsprotocol |
Web service protocol; REST | SOAP |
authtype |
Authentication type; PASSWORD |
svcusername |
Username used for PASSWORD-based authorization |
svcpassword |
Password used for PASSWORD-based authorization |
$ example:~/skfsclient> java -jar skfsadminclient.jar GC 1 REST PASSWORD fidoadminuser Abcd1234!
Copyright (c) 2001-2024 StrongAuth, Inc. All rights reserved.
REST Get Configuration with PASSWORD
Calling getconfiguration @
Get Configuration complete.
GetConfiguration response : {
"Response": {
"appliance": [
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "LDAP",
"hint": "Property that identifies what type of LDAP will be used for authenticating service credentials for the domain. Acceptable values : LDAP | AD. Default value: LDAP "
"ldap": [
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=AdminAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the Administrator group in LDAP/AD. Default value : cn=AdminAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=CloudMoveAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the file move authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value : cn=CloudMoveAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=DecryptionAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the file decryption authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value : cn=DecryptionAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Distinguished name (DN) prefix to be used for service credentials. Default value : cn="
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": ",ou=users,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com",
"hint": "Property that identifies the user suffix to be appended to the user dn. Default value : ,ou=users,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=EncryptionAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the file encryption authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value : cn=EncryptionAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=FidoAdministrationService-AuthorizedServiceCredentials",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO admin authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform admin (policy and configurations) operations. Default value : cn=FidoAdminAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=FidoAuthorizationService-AuthorizedServiceCredentials",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO authorizations authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-authorize and authorize operations. Default value : cn=FidoAuthzAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=FidoCredentialService-AuthorizedServiceCredentials",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform patch and delete operations. Default value : cn=FidoAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=FidoRegistrationService-AuthorizedServiceCredentials",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO registration authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-register and register operations. Default value : cn=FidoRegAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=FidoAuthenticationService-AuthorizedServiceCredentials",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO assertion authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-authenticate and authenticate operations. Default value : cn=FidoSignAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": ",ou=groups,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com",
"hint": "Property that identifies the groups suffix to be appended to the group dn. Default value : ,ou=groups,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=LoadAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the Key Load authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value : cn=LoadAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=RemoveAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the Key remove authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value : cn=RemoveAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=Services",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the Services group in LDAP/AD. Default value : cn=Services"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "cn=SignAuthorized",
"hint": "Property that identifies the Common Name (CN) for the Sign authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value : cn=SignAuthorized"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "ldap://localhost:389",
"hint": "Property that identifies the LDAP/AD url for the authentication/athorization of service credentials. DEfault value : ldap://localhost:1389"
"skfs": [
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "false",
"hint": "Property that identifies if username change should be allowed or not. Accepted Values : TRUE | FALSE. Default value : FALSE"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "false",
"hint": "Property that identifies if fake keyhandles should be sent back to the calling application when they request preauthentication for unregistered users. Accepted Values : TRUE | FALSE. Default value : FALSE"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "15",
"hint": "Property to determine amount of time a saml assertion will be active (in minutes)"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "3",
"hint": "Property to determine number of certs within each clustered server"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "false",
"hint": "Property to determine whether the SKFS is communicating with Citrix ADC as an SP for SAML authentication"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "samlsigning-1-1-1",
"hint": "Property to determine the alias of the key within the keystore to be used for signing"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "sha256",
"hint": "Property to determine what algorithm will be used for the digest"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "Abcd1234!",
"hint": "Property to determine password of saml keystore"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "/usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/ssosigningkeystore.bcfks",
"hint": "Property to determine location of saml keystore"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "false",
"hint": "Property to determine if authentication web service should return a SAML Assertion"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "rsa",
"hint": "Property to determine what algorithm will be used for the SAML signature"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "UTC",
"hint": "Property to determine time zone code used for the returned saml response (case sensitive)"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "Abcd1234!",
"hint": "Property to determine password of saml truststore"
"configkey": "",
"configvalue": "/usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/ssosigningtruststore.bcfks",
"hint": "Property to determine location of saml truststore"
"responseCode": "FIDO-MSG-0073",
"skfsVersion": "4.14.0",
"skfsFQDN": "",
"TXID": "1-1-167-1731005806595"
Done with Get Configuration!