Product Documentation

CentOS 8

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ make
sudo yum install nodejs
sudo yum install sqlite

CentOS 7
Install any version 10.x.x or higher of Node.js from the following link:

sudo yum install npm
sudo yum install sqlite


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt install sqlite

Windows 10

  1. To install Node.js, browse to

  2. Download the latest Windows Installer.

  3. Run the installer and follow the prompts.

  4. To install SQLite, browse to

  5. Under Precompiled Binaries for Windows, download the .zip that starts with "sqlite-tools-win32-x86..."

    NOTE: Windows users will need to install a compression/unpacking application such as 7-zip, WinZip, etc.
  6. Extract the .zip file to the desired path.

  7. Edit the Windows PATH variable to include the extracted folder that contains the sqlite3 executable.

Mac OS

  1. To install Node.js, browse to

  2. Download the latest MacOS Installer (.pkg).

  3. Run the installer (and fail).

  4. Click Settings→Security and Privacy→General.

  5. Under Allow Apps find the node…pkg file and select Open Anyway.

  6. Select Open.

  7. To install SQLite, browse to

  8. Download sqlite-autoconf-[version number].tar.gz.

  9. Open a terminal to the location of the sqlite-autoconf file.

  10. Run the following commands, replacing [version number] with the SQLite version:

    tar zxvf sqlite-autoconf-[version number].tar.gz
    cd sqlite-autoconf-[version number]
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    make install