Product Documentation

Fixes and Changes in SKFS 4.4




Update to Payara 5 and MariaDB 10.5.8

  • Upgraded from Payara 4.1 and MariaDB 10.2.3. Hardware dependencies and documentation have been updated accordingly:
    • New configurations; new configurations table
    • Changes made to the FIDO policy in the database
    • Signing keystore changes
    • Generates JWT signing certs
    • Updated fido_keys and removed khdigest and khddigestalgo columns and added signature key type columns


Load JSON web token (JWT) certificates into memory.

JWT keys are now created on install and are loaded in memory for the purpose of generating a JWT for an authenticate response. This is similar to an earlier feature which allowed for signing keys to be loaded into memory for the cryptomodule.


Create JSON web token (JWT) signing certificate generator.

The application now generates a self-signed CA certificate that is then used to issue JWT signing certificates. All generated certificates are created and imported into jwtsigningkeystore.bcfks and jwtsigningtruststore.bcfks.


Add get all policy web service.

Add get all policies metadata web service call to populate a policy list.


Implement FIDO policy JSON system change.

System element is now a peer element of algorithms, attestation, registration, authentication, authorization, and rp; not sub-elements of system.


Add a log for API calls received from username for policy web service.

Added info in the log that specifies the username passed by the policy web service call.