Product Documentation

Fixes and Changes in SKFS 4.3.x




Add an administration servlet for policy and configurations.

Add a new administration servlet to handle Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations for policy and configurations.


Fix: A new administration servlet (REST) has been added to perform CRUD operations on the policies and configurations.


Change API input to only accept JSON.

In the older builds, the API accepted a JSON input with the sub-JSONs being converted into strings. Update this to only have JSON objects and not JSON strings.

Fix: The code has been updated and now all the sub elements in the input that would have been jsonobjects are not converted to strings.The variable metadata is now strongkeyMetadata, and the variable response is now publicKeyCredential.

Example old input: 

	"svcinfo": {
		"did": 1,
		"protocol": "FIDO2_0",
		"authtype": "PASSWORD",
		"svcusername": "svcfidouser",
		"svcpassword": "Abcd1234!"
	"payload": {
		"metadata": "{
			"version": "1.0",
			"create_location": "Sunnyvale, CA",
			"username": "johndoe",
			"origin": ""
		"response": "{
			"rawId": "79U433x2h",
			"response": {
				"attestationObject": "o2N",
				"clientDataJSON": "ey"
			"type": "public-key"
Example new input:
  "svcinfo": {
		"did": 1,
		"protocol": "FIDO2_0",
		"authtype": "PASSWORD",
		"svcusername": "svcfidouser",
		"svcpassword": "Abcd1234!"
	"payload": {
		"strongkeyMetadata": {
			"version": "1.0",
			"create_location": "Sunnyvale, CA",
			"username": "test123",
			"origin": ""
		"publicKeyCredential": {
			"id": "LGCun1USkhhpoB-p--6cfowLmgbjweyvL0JSoKPqm8sYETPGv8yhkAx7RAJVQL4f4zvPpcuX7iB3VgpRN1Ccwl26DgBHxki0bQecrEektnNOMrBmh_CCf04bGCusJuojUUXj9FjrDHM9DDzfNTbP4o7KtyoPAvvKYnXWOxAArhPYfXoMCcnuyuZG52gwW_5VBwLmQLlRCpFTMR2H0Lq_x9Jl_dJQkMiqHz_ySLASCzg",
			"rawId": "LGCun1USkhhpoB-p--6cfowLmgbjweyvL0JSoKPqm8sYETPGv8yhkAx7RAJVQL4f4zvPpcuX7iB3VgpRN1Ccwl26DgBHxki0bQecrEektnNOMrBmh_CCf04bGCusJuojUUXj9FjrDHM9DDzfNTbP4o7KtyoPAvvKYnXWOxAArhPYfXoMCcnuyuZG52gwW_5VBwLmQLlRCpFTMR2H0Lq_x9Jl_dJQkMiqHz_ySLASCzg",
			"response": {
				"clientDataJSON": "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uY3JlYXRlIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIjoiaTc3ZHNkZmVraUVtUkFkQVY0dzN6dyIsIm9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZmlkb3NjYXRlc3Quc3Ryb25na2V5LmNvbSJ9"
			"type": "public-key"


Add Docker README.

Add a README file to the Docker folder to explain the files.


Fix: A new README has been created that will be part of the Docker folder.


Update the command-line interface (CLI) client for the new web services.

Update the command-line interface (skfsclient) to add Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations for policies and the new configuration table.


Fix: SKFS client has now been updated to have the requested operations.


FIDO policy: allow AAGUIDs.
Add a new entry to the FIDO policy to restrict authenticators based on AAGUID.


Fix: A new entry has been added in the policy JSON which can restrict authenticators based on AAGUIDs. By default it allows all, as shown below:

"allowedAaguids": ["all"]

To restrict specific AAGUIDs, just replace all with a comma-separated list

"allowedAaguids": ["6d44ba9b-f6ec-2e49-b930-0c8fe920cb73"]


"allowedAaguids": ["6d44ba9b-f6ec-2e49-b930-0c8fe920cb73","8876631b-d4a0-427f-5773-0ec71c9e0279"]


Update FIDO policy JSON.

Update the current FIDO policy JSON to add more metadata and an additional item which can restrict authenticators based on AAGUID.


Fix: The FIDO policy JSON structure has been updated to add more metadata and reorganize them.


Example old JSON:

	"storeSignatures": false,
	"extensions": {
		"example.extension": true
	"userSettings": true,
	"cryptography": {
		"attestation_formats": ["fido-u2f", "packed", "tpm", "android-key", "android-safetynet", "none"],
		"elliptic_curves": ["secp256r1", "secp384r1", "secp521r1", "curve25519"],
		"allowed_rsa_signatures": ["rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha1", "rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha256", "rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha384", "rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha512", "rsassa-pss-sha256", "rsassa-pss-sha384", "rsassa-pss-sha512"],
		"allowed_ec_signatures": ["ecdsa-p256-sha256", "ecdsa-p384-sha384", "ecdsa-p521-sha512", "eddsa", "ecdsa-p256k-sha256"],
		"attestation_types": ["basic", "self", "attca", "ecdaa", "none"]
	"registration": {
		"attestation": ["none", "indirect", "direct"],
		"displayName": "required",
		"authenticatorSelection": {
			"authenticatorAttachment": ["platform", "cross-platform"],
			"userVerification": ["required", "preferred", "discouraged"],
			"requireResidentKey": [true, false]
	"excludeCredentials": "enabled"
	"counter": {
		"requireIncrease": true,
		"requireCounter": false
	"rp": {
		"name": ""
	"authentication": {
		"userVerification": ["required", "preferred", "discouraged"],
		"allowCredentials": "enabled"


Example new JSON:


	"FidoPolicy": {
	"name": "DefaultPolicy",
	"copyright": "",
	"version": "1.0",
	"startDate": "1606957205",
	"endDate": "1760103870871",
	"system": {
		"requireCounter": "mandatory",
		"integritySignatures": false,
		"userVerification": ["required", "preferred", "discouraged"],
		"userPresenceTimeout": 0,
		"allowedAaguids": ["all"],
		"algorithms": {
			"curves": ["secp256r1", "secp384r1", "secp521r1", "curve25519"],
			"rsa": ["rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha256", "rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha384", "rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-sha512", "rsassa-pss-sha256", "rsassa-pss-sha384", "rsassa-pss-sha512"],
			"signatures": ["ecdsa-p256-sha256", "ecdsa-p384-sha384", "ecdsa-p521-sha512", "eddsa", "ecdsa-p256k-sha256"]
		"attestation": {
			"conveyance": ["none", "indirect", "direct", "enterprise"],
			"formats": ["fido-u2f", "packed", "tpm", "android-key", "android-safetynet", "none"]
		"registration": {
			"displayName": "required",
			"attachment": ["platform", "cross-platform"],
			"residentKey": ["required", "preferred", "discouraged"],
			"excludeCredentials": "enabled"
		"authentication": {
			"allowCredentials": "enabled"
		"authorization": {
			"maxdataLength": 256,
			"preserve": true
		"rp": {
			"name": "FIDOServer",
			"id": ""
		"extensions": {
			"example.extension": true


 Assign configurations to the FIDO2 Server.
Add a new configurations table to the FIDO2 server to enable domain-level configurations.

Fix: A new configurations table has been added to the FIDO2 server which will allow for certain properties to be set on a domain basis. New operations have been added to the command line client to demonstrate the Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) operations on the configurations table.


Mutable Configurations

##SKCE - Domain-specific properties the Common Name (CN) for the Administrator group in LDAP/AD. Default value: cn=AdminAuthorized the Common Name (CN) for the Services group in LDAP/AD. Default value: cn=Services


# LDAP Encryption-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the file encryption authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value: cn=EncryptionAuthorized


# LDAP Decryption-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the file decryption authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value: cn=DecryptionAuthorized


# LDAP CloudMove-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the file move authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the file encryption module. Default value: cn=CloudMoveAuthorized


# LDAP Load-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the Key Load authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value: cn=LoadAuthorized


# LDAP Remove-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the Key remove authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value: cn=RemoveAuthorized


# LDAP Sign-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the Sign authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the signing module. Default value: cn=SignAuthorized


# LDAP FIDO-Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform patch and delete operations. Default value: cn=FidoAuthorized


# LDAP FIDO-REG Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO registration authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-register and register operations. Default value: cn=FidoRegAuthorized


# LDAP FIDO-SIGN Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO assertion authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-authenticate and authenticate operations. Default value: cn=FidoSignAuthorized


# LDAP FIDO-AUTHZ Authorized group the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO authorizations authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform pre-authorize and authorize operations. Default value: cn=FidoAuthzAuthorized the Common Name (CN) for the FIDO admin authorized group in LDAP/AD. This property is only used by the FIDO server to perform admin (policy and configurations) operations. Default value: cn=FidoAdminAuthorized the LDAP/AD URL for the authentication/authorization of service credentials. Default value: ldap://localhost:1389 the LDAP/AD bind Distinguished Name (DN) for the configured LDAP/AD. Default: CN=Directory Manager the password for the LDAP/AD bind Distinguished Name (DN) for the configured LDAP/AD. Default value: Abcd1234! the Distinguished Name (DN) prefix to be used for service credentials. Default value: cn= the user suffix to be appended to the user Distinguished Name (DN). Default value: ,ou=users,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com the groups suffix to be appended to the group Distinguished Name (DN). Default value: ,ou=groups,ou=v2,ou=SKCE,ou=StrongAuth,ou=Applications,dc=strongauth,dc=com


##APPL - Domain-specific properties what type of LDAP will be used for authenticating service credentials for the domain. Accepted values: LDAP | AD. Default value: LDAP


##SKFS - Domain-specific properties if fake keyhandles should be sent back to the calling application when they request preauthentication for unregistered users. Accepted values: TRUE | FALSE. Default value: FALSE


Support for custom Distinguished Names (DN) in LDAP for application service credentials

The FIDO server has a concept of cryptographic domains; the service credentials for every domain are separated by the domain ID in the Distinguished Name (DN). There is an RFE for it not to be tied to a specific DN.


Fix: With the addition of the new configurations table, LDAP may be set for a specific domain, and once set, it will override any default values. This will allow a company to use a custom dnsuffix for the users and groups in LDAP, thereby removing the requirement for "did=<did>" or "ou=<did>" set by default.


Separate service credentials for registration and authentication.

Current StrongKey FIDO2 Server has only one LDAP/AD group (FIDOAuthorized) which allows service credentials to both register and authenticate users. Divide this up to have more granularity.


Fix: The LDAP lookup has been updated and instead of just one group (FIDOAuthorized) to verify service credentials for all FIDO operations, there are now multiple groups:

  • FIDORegAuthorized - Registrations
  • FIDOSignAuthorized - Authentications
  • FIDOAdminAuthorized - Admin operations such as Create/Read/Update/Delete
  • (CRUD) on policies and configurations.

All other operations still rely on the FIDOAuthorized group.


Improve Signature Performance
Improve the signature performance for database-row-level signatures performed for StrongKey FIDO2 Server.

Fix: With the old build one specific provider (Bouncy Castle Federal Information Processing System, a.k.a. BC FIPS) was used for creating the signature, which makes the process single-threaded in FIPS mode. The provider was changed to help improve signature performance.

  • The signature input generation is now a JSON object instead of XML.
  • The keystore has been updated to use an Elliptical Curve (EC) key instead of Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) key.


Username keyhandle combination does not exist.

It ignores the error condition.


Fix: The new build, instead of ignoring the check, verifies if the combination already exists and returns an appropriate response: "Username and Key Handle combination exists."