Product Documentation

The following request body is sent during the deregister call:

  • URL: https://<FQDN>:<PORT>/skfs/rest/deregister

  • HTTP Method: POST

  • FIDO2_0 request body:
      "svcinfo": {
        "did": 1,
        "protocol": "FIDO2_0",
        "authtype": "PASSWORD",
        "svcusername": "svcfidouser",
        "svcpassword": "Abcd1234!"
      "payload": {
        "keyid": "1-1-johndoe-702180",
        "appTXID": "exampleappTXID"


svcinfo Description




Unique identifier for a cryptographic domain in SKFS. Unless using a StrongKey Tellaro appliance, this defaults to 1.


The FIDO protocol to be used in this request (FIDO2_0).


The type of authentication supplied in this service request—it must be PASSWORD or HMAC (see API Security for details); the example shown here is for PASSWORD type of authentication.


The username of the service credential requesting this web service.


The password of the service credential requesting this web service.

When PASSWORD authtype is used, SKFS uses entries in a previously configured Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Active Directory (AD) to authenticate the credential (see Manage Credentials under [ SKFS ⇒ Administration ⇒ Security ] for details).


payload Description




A string identifying the unique FIDO credential within the SKFS. However, the current format is DEPRECATED.

NOTE: In the current release, this attribute includes a string username within the key identifier. It will be replaced by a new format that will have a format resembling the following:




The digit preceding the first hyphen (“-”) represents the unique SKFS Server ID.

The second digit between the two hyphens represents a cryptographic domain—a concept implemented in the StrongKey Tellaro appliance. In a software only deployment of SKFS, this will always be a 1.

The number following the last hyphen represents a unique key identifier within the specific SKFS server and cryptographic domain in which the credential was registered.

As a result, within an SKFS cluster, a keyid with this “triple” will always be unique for every key.

Applications being developed with this web service should NOT rely on the username embedded in this string.


An optional string within any SKFS web service request body's payload JSON object that, if added, will attach the appTXID value to the TXID logged by the server.