The following request body is sent during the deregister call:
"svcinfo": {
"did": 1,
"protocol": "FIDO2_0",
"authtype": "PASSWORD",
"svcusername": "svcfidouser",
"svcpassword": "Abcd1234!"
"payload": {
"keyid": "1-1-1",
"appTXID": "exampleappTXID"
Value |
Explanation |
did |
Unique identifier for a cryptographic domain in SKFS. Unless using a StrongKey Tellaro appliance, this defaults to 1. |
protocol |
The FIDO protocol to be used in this request (FIDO2_0). |
authtype |
The type of authentication supplied in this service request—it must be PASSWORD or HMAC (see API Security for details); the example shown here is for PASSWORD type of authentication. |
svcusername |
The username of the service credential requesting this web service. |
svcpassword |
The password of the service credential requesting this web service. When PASSWORD authtype is used, SKFS uses entries in a previously configured Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Active Directory (AD) to authenticate the credential (see Manage Credentials under [ SKFS ⇒ Administration ⇒ Security ] for details). |
Value |
Explanation |
keyid |
A string identifying the unique FIDO credential within the SKFS. 1-1-234898734 2-1-15870 4-3-9562533 The digit preceding the first hyphen (“-”) represents the unique SKFS Server ID. The second digit between the two hyphens represents a cryptographic domain—a concept implemented in the StrongKey Tellaro appliance. The number following the last hyphen represents a unique key identifier within the specific SKFS server and cryptographic domain in which the credential was registered. As a result, within an SKFS cluster, a keyid with this “triple” will always be unique for every key. |
appTXID |
An optional string within any SKFS web service request body's payload JSON object that, if added, will attach the appTXID value to the TXID logged by the server. |