The signing keys should be regenerated after SKFS installation is completed. The steps are as follows:
java -jar /usr/local/strongkey/keymanager/keymanager.jar regeneratesigningkey 1 /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingkeystore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingtruststore.bcfks Abcd1234! EC
You will get a response similar to this:
Regenerated signing key
sudo systemctl restart payara # For SKFS version 4.12 and below, use the following command instead: sudo service glassfishd restart
Value |
Explanation |
did |
Unique domain identifier that belongs to SKFS. |
keystore location |
Signing KeyStore location for SKFS. |
truststore location |
Signing TrustStore location for SKFS. |
keystore password |
Password for KeyStore. Default is Abcd1234! |
algo |
Algorithm used in the KeyStore; example RSA | EC. |