Product Documentation

Before upgrading to SKFS 4.6.0, if you are running a SKFS version lower than 4.5.0, make sure to upgrade to SKFS 4.5.0 first using the script. Once you have successfully upgraded to SKFS 4.5.0, you may continue to upgrade to SKFS 4.6.0 using the new script.

Editing the upgrade script allows the user to configure details for new updates.

Upgrade Script Configurability

The following configurables have been added to the new JDK 11 script. These values represent a configuration that will allow for the specified web services (Registration and/or Authentication) to return more detailed information in their responses and in what format to return them in.



The ROLLBACK flag maintains previous Payara and MariaDB versions by default. If set to 'N', the old versions will be deleted.


Since this upgrade changes the default Java version to JDK 11, the sample apps have been updated as well. If the FIDO Policy sample application deployed on the SKFS, please undeploy it and redeploy the latest version found in the StrongKey FIDO Server GitHub.


Other upgrades

Due to the change in Java version, the fidopolicyboa has been updated. The old fidopolicyboa.war must be undeployed, then the new current version of the fidopolicyboa.war on the StrongKey FIDO2 Server should be deployed again to maintain functionality.