Switch to (or login as) the strongkey user.
shell> su - strongkey
Edit the skfs properties file:
shell> vi /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/etc/skfs-configuration.properties
Set skfs.cfg.property.jwt.create to true.
Restart the Payara (for SKFS v4.13.0 and above) using the following command:
shell> sudo systemctl restart payara
or ( for SKFS v4.12.0 and below):
shell> sudo service glassfishd restart
Switch to (or login as) the strongkey user.
shell> su - strongkey
Edit the skfs properties file:
shell> vi /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/etc/skfs-configuration.properties
Set skfs.cfg.property.jwt.create to false.
Restart the Payara (SKFS version 4.13 and above)
shell> sudo systemctl restart payara
or (SKFS 4.12 and below)
shell> sudo service glassfishd restart
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