Product Documentation

Follow the steps to add new aliases to SKFS

  1. Login as strongauth into the appliances.

  2. Edit your .bashrc file

    shell > vi .bashrc 
  3. Go to the bottom of the line and add the alias

  4. For example: if a new alias needs to be added for finding all registered keys in the database, add the following text to the file and press enter.

    alias lskc='mysql -u skles -p`dbpass 2> /dev/null` strongkeylite -e "select count(sid) from fido_keys" '
  5. Now, save and exit the file.

  6. Exit out of this session and login back as "strongauth".

  7. Type the alias in the command line and following results will be displayed. For example, type lskc on the command line - the output would look something like the following:
    | count(sid) |
    |          6 |