Product Documentation

A printable checklist for SKFS installation

Use the following checklist to prepare for and smooth the installation. All passwords should be written down on index cards, sealed in envelopes, and locked away. While the users responsible for the passwords will maintain them in memory, these envelopes will serve as backups in the event the responsible individual is unavailable to carry out a task.

Required Items

One (1) VM running the current version of CentOS Linux 7.x, with fully qualified domain names (FQDN) and internet protocol (IP) addresses.


Two (or more) fixed IP addresses and fully qualified domain names (FQDN) in your Domain Name Service (DNS) tables, each assigned an SID, as such:



 1   fidoserver1.[your-domain-name]


 2   fidoserver2.[your-domain-name]


 3   fidoserver#.[your-domain-name]   ...


Do not use dynamic IP addresses for the appliances. You must use static IP addresses to ensure the firewall works as configured, but may choose to have them assigned using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) rather than set them on the appliances.


Index cards and envelopes to write down and seal strong passwords (including uppercase, lowercase, numeric and special characters) for the following users:


Linux System Administrator (root)


Linux user for running the SKFS application (strongkey)


Linux user for batch operation file transfers, if needed (domain1)


MariaDB Database Administrator (root)


MariaDB KA database schema owner (skfsdbuser)


Payara JEE7 Application Server Administrator (admin)