Product Documentation

To make sure SKFS is running as expected, we highly recommend to regularly monitor the server using the ping web service. Use the sample client application skfsclient.jar (installed as part of the SKFS installation) to call the ping web service.

NOTE: On the FIDO2 server, the client application can be found under the /usr/local/strongkey/skfsclient directory.

Different methods are listed here:

  • Ping SKFS using REST and HMAC authorization:
    shell> java -jar skfsclient.jar P https://[FQDN]:8181 1 REST HMAC
    162a5684336fa6e7 7edd81de1baab6ebcc76ebe3e38f41f4

  • Ping SKFS using REST and PASSWORD authorization:
    shell> java -jar skfsclient.jar P https://[FQDN]:8181 1 REST PASSWORD
    svcfidouser Abcd1234!
  • Ping SKFS using REST and PASSWORD authorization:
    shell> java -jar skfsclient.jar P https://[FQDN]:8181 1 REST PASSWORD
    svcfidouser Abcd1234!
  • Ping SKFS using SOAP and PASSWORD authorization:
    shell> java -jar skfsclient.jar P https://[FQDN]:8181 1 REST PASSWORD
    svcfidouser Abcd1234!

Successful responses will be similar to the image above.