Product Documentation
  1. On the machine where SKFS was installed, change directory to where fido2server-v#.#.# was extracted. The key manager is in the /usr/local/strongkey/keymanager directory.
  2. Change directory to the to the keymanager directory. Inside is the keymanager.jar file which will help in showing, adding, and deleting access keys. For a list of possible operations, run the following command:
    > java -jar keymanager.jar
  3. Create an access key by running the command:
    > java -jar keymanager.jar addaccesskey <keystore locations> <keystore password>
    Assuming the keystore location is the in the same place after installation, your command will look like this:
    > java -jar keymanager.jar addaccesskey /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingkeystore.bcfks Abcd1234!
    You will get a response similar to this:
    > Created new access/secret key:
    > Access key:f38158b564b57fee
    > Secret key:4ca0275d5f7217ce5044352f40752558
    Temporarily store the generated access key and secret key.
  4. On the machine where the PoC servlet was installed, change directory to /usr/local/strongkey/poc/etc/ and use any text editor to edit the .properties file contained in the directory. Add the following lines to the file:
    ><access key>
    ><secret key>
    It should look similar to this:
    Save your changes.
  5. After saving these changes, Payara must be restarted. Run the following command:
    > sudo systemctl restart payara

You have now added a new access/secret key pair to your FIDO2 Server.