Product Documentation


  • StrongKey FIDO Server (SKFS)
  • OpenJDK 21
  • Rocky 9.3



Backup the OpenLDAP Directory Server by authenticating to the server as the “root” user and run the following commands:

  1. Start a Terminal and login as "root"
  2. Execute the following commands:
    shell> mkdir backup
    shell> slapcat -n 0 -l /usr/local/strongkey/backup/config-<DATE>.ldif
    shell> slapcat -n 2 -l /usr/local/strongkey/backup/databackup-<DATE>.ldif
  3. Change ownership for the backup directory:
    shell> chown -R strongkey. /usr/local/strongkey/backup



  1. Login as strongkey user:
  2. Backup the ssosigningkeystores and signingkeystores:
    shell> cp /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/ssosigningkeystore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/backup
    shell> cp /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/ssosigningtruststore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/backup
    shell> cp -R /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/sso-keys /usr/local/strongkey/backup
    shell> cp /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingkeystore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/backup
    shell> cp /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingtruststore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/backup



  1. Login as strongkey user:
  2. Take a Mariadb database backup using the following command:
    shell> mariadb-dump --user=root -p --flush-logs --single-transaction --databases skfs > /usr/local/strongkey/backup/skfs_databasebackup-<date>.db
    shell> chown -R strongkey:strongkey /usr/local/strongkey/backup