To create a new domain on SKFS, signing, JWT and SAML keystores needs to be created for the new domain. Taking a back up for all the keystores, OpenLDAP and database is recommended in case a restore is required to the original state.
Create a New Domain
Follow the steps to create a new domain for SKFS. If unsure of the next domain Id (DID), please refer the section on how to find the next domain.
Login as "strongkey" user and open a terminal
Generate the default JWT, SAML and policy for the new DID
shell> -did $DID -jwt -saml -p -policy
shell> /usr/local/software/ -did 9 -jwt -saml -policy
NOTE: The keygen-sso script generates a minimal policy for the new DID and saves the base64 encoded policy in the /tmp directory as SKFS-FIDO-Policy-did${DID}-keygen.txt.
Add the base64 encoded policy to the database. To find the next policy ID (PID), please refer the section on how to find the PID:
shell> mariadb --user=skfsdbuser --password=$MARIA_SKFSDBUSER_PASSWORD --database=skfs -e "insert into FIDO_POLICIES values (1,$DID,$NEXT_PID,'${fidoPolicy}','Active','',NOW(),NULL,NULL);" Example shell> mariadb --user=skfsdbuser -p --database=skfs -e "insert into FIDO_POLICIES values (1,9,9,'$(cat /tmp/SKFS-FIDO-Policy-did9-keygen.txt)','Active','',NOW(),NULL,NULL);"
Regenerate the signing key for the new domain id (DID):
shell> java -jar /usr/local/strongkey/keymanager/keymanager.jar regeneratesigningkey <did> <keystore location> <truststore location> <keystore password> <algo> Example shell> java -jar /usr/local/strongkey/keymanager/keymanager.jar regeneratesigningkey 9 /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingkeystore.bcfks /usr/local/strongkey/skfs/keystores/signingtruststore.bcfks Abcd1234! EC
Add the DID to the database:
shell> mariadb -u skfsdbuser -p${MARIA_SKFSDBUSER_PASSWORD} skfs -e "insert into domains VALUES ($DID, 'SKFS $DID', 'Active', 'Active', '', NULL, '', NULL, 'CN=SKFS Signing Key,OU=DID $DID,OU=SKFS EC Signing Certificate 1,O=StrongKey', 'https://$(hostname):8181/app.json', NULL);" Example: shell> mariadb -u skfsdbuser -p skfs -e "insert into domains VALUES (9, 'SKFS 9', 'Active', 'Active', '', NULL, '', NULL, 'CN=SKFS Signing Key,OU=DID 9,OU=SKFS EC Signing Certificate 1,O=StrongKey', 'https://$(hostname):8181/app.json', NULL);"
Create default SKFS users for the DID:
shell> /usr/local/software/ Usage: Options: did The SKFS did to create. bind-pass The default bind password for ldap skfs-user-pass The desired password for the default ldap users that will be created. skfs-ldif-path The full path to the skfs.ldif file (This should be located in the SKFS installation directory) Example shell> /usr/local/software/ 9 Abcd1234! Abcd1234! /usr/local/software/skfs.ldif
Restart payara
shell> sudo systemctl restart payara
You can now use the new Domain to perform FIDO Operations.
NOTE: If you want to restore/rollback to the previous state for any reason/error, follow the steps here to recover the database and keystores
How to find the next domain (DID) and Policy ID (PID)
Follow the steps below to find the next did:
In a terminal logged in as “strongkey” user and type the following command and enter password:
shell> mariadb -u skfsdbuser -p skfs -e "select did, name from domains order by did;"
| did | name |
| 1 | SKFS 1 |
| 2 | SKFS 2 |
| 3 | SKFS 3 |
| 4 | SKFS 4 |
| 5 | SKFS 5 |
| 6 | SKFS 6 |
| 7 | SKFS 7 |
| 8 | SKFS 8 |
8 rows in set (0.001 sec)
In a terminal logged in as “strongkey” user and type the following command and enter password::
shell> mariadb -u skfsdbuser -p --database=skfs -e "select max(pid) as nextPID from fido_policies;"
| nextPID |
| 9 |
As you can see in the example above the server already has 8 domains created so the next domain id would be 9.