Product Documentation

An installation script can be used for creating a new domain on SKFS.  The installation script generates signing, JWT and SAML keystores for the new domain that needs to be created. Taking a back up for all the keystores is recommended in case a restore back is required to the original keystores. 



  • StrongKey FIDO Server (SKFS)
  • OpenJDK 11


Create a New Domain

Follow the steps to create a new domain for SKFS. If unsure of the next domain Id, please refer the section on how to find the next domain.

  1. Login as "strongkey" user and open a terminal 

  2. Unzip the file to the current directory:

    shell> unzip -d .
  3. Edit the add-domain installation script using a preferred text editor

    shell> vi

    The installation script contains configurable values. Please change the passwords if not using the default ones.

  4. The script takes the following arguments:

    shell> <did> <backup:true/false> 
    If backup is set to true, the script creates a backup for all the keystores, database and the openLDAP directory at the /usr/local/strongkey/skfsbackups. 
  5. Execute the script as follows:

    shell> ./ 9 true

    The script will create a new domain and generate signing keys, jwtsigning keys and samlsigning keys for this newly created domain. The script also generates default users for the openLDAP directory and creates a minimal policy for this domain. Please follow the link if this policy needs to be updated.

  6. You can now use the new Domain to perform FIDO Operations.

NOTE:  If you want to restore/rollback to the previous state for any reason/error, follow the steps here to recover the database and keystores


How to find the next domain

 Follow the steps below to find the next did:

  • In a terminal logged in as  “strongkey” user and type the following command:

    shell> mysql -u skfsdbuser -p skfs 

    Or use alias mys :

    shell> mys 
  • You can use the command line to list all domains.
    MariaDB[skfs] > select did, name from domains order by did; 
  • Sample Output:
    MariaDB [skfs]> select did, name from domains order by did;
    | did | name   |
    |   1 | SKFS 1 |
    |   2 | SKFS 2 |
    |   3 | SKFS 3 |
    |   4 | SKFS 4 |
    |   5 | SKFS 5 |
    |   6 | SKFS 6 |
    |   7 | SKFS 7 |
    |   8 | SKFS 8 |
    8 rows in set (0.001 sec)

As you can see in the example above the server already has 8 domains created so the next domain id would be 9.