Product Documentation


Following are required to follow this guide:

  • Access to strongauth account on the VMs where SKSO is installed.



  1. In a standard SKSO installation the /usr/local/strongauth user directory should look like this:


    ├─ backup
    │   └─ rollback.<date-time>
    │         ├─ keystores
    │         ├─ payara6
    │         ├─ payara.domain.backups
    │         └─
    ├─ bin
    ├─ certs
    ├─ lib
    ├─ payara6
    ├─ skfs
    └─ skso


  2. Pick the desired rollback to perform and change directory(cd) to that folder


    $ cd /usr/local/strongauth/backup/rollback.<date-time> 


  3. Move the current keystores folder and restore previous keystores folder from the rollback folder by running the following commands:


    $ mkdir -p /usr/local/strongauth/tmp
    $ mv /usr/local/strongauth/skfs/keystores /usr/local/strongauth/tmp
    $ cp -r keystores  /usr/local/strongauth/skfs/


  4. Move the current Payara 6 installation and restore previous Payara 6 installation from the rollback folder by running the following command:


    $ mv /usr/local/strongauth/payara6 /usr/local/strongauth/tmp
    $ cp -r payara6  /usr/local/strongauth/


  5. Move the current SKSO properties and restore previous SKSO properties from the rollback folder by running the following commands:


    $ mv /usr/local/strongauth/skso/etc/ /usr/local/strongauth/tmp
    $ cp  /usr/local/strongauth/skso/etc


  6. Restart payara by running the following command:


    $ sudo systemctl restart payara