Product Documentation

1— Introduction

This guide walks you through the steps to configure SKSO with TLS Client Authentication.

2— Prerequisite

Following are required to follow this guide:

  • Access to strongauth account on the VMs where SKSO is installed.

  • Root/Subordinate CA Certificates from your PKI which will be used to verify Client certificates/

  • An End Entity/ Client certificate to access SKSO after TLS Client Auth setup is complete


3— Steps

  1. SSH into the SKSO VM as strongauth user

  2. Import the trusted Root/Subordinate certificates of the end-entity certificates into the Payara cacerts.p12 TrustStore file in the config directory. Run the following command for the Root certificate and Subordinate(if any) with different aliases.


    $ keytool -import -keystore /usr/local/strongauth/payara6/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.p12 -file <certificate-filename>.pem -alias <alias-name-for-the-certificate>


  3. Create a SKSO BCFKS TrustStore for the trusted Root/Subordinate certificates that SKSO will use to perform PKIX validation.


    $ keytool -importcert -file <certificate-file>.pem -keystore skso-truststore.bcfks -alias <alias-name-for-the-certificate> -storetype BCFKS -providername BCFIPS -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider -provider org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider -providerpath /usr/local/strongauth/lib/bc-fips-


    When you run this command, keytool will ask for the password you want to use for this truststore use any desired password. Keep a note of the password and location of the generated truststore, they will be used for configuration properties in step 5.


  4. Enable TLS Client Auth for http-listener-2 in Payara configuration by running the following command.


    $ asadmin set


  5. Configure SKSO Properties to enable TLS Client Authentication;

    Enable PKIX Client Certificate validation by changing property to true, specify PKIX TrustStore path for SKSO which you created in step 3 by changing property and specify the password for that TrustStore by changing the property.

    Following are all the TLS Client Auth related properties:


    # Should perform Client Auth Certificate PKIX Validation
    # Truststore for PKIX validation
    # Truststore password for PKIX validation